How to Use Revision management for Sales Orders in Sage X3

Revision Management in Sales Order

How to Use Revision Management for Sales Orders in Sage X3: Revision management in Sage X3 provides a detailed history of changes made to both the header and line items of sales orders. Users can easily track and review modifications made to sales orders by a unique revision number.

A complete history of sales order changes can be viewed by clicking on revisions. Modified data is highlighted for quick identification, and the revision history can be printed for reference.

Key Features:

  • Maintain a complete record of modifications, including date, time, and user responsible for the change.
  • Clearly identify changes through highlighted differences between revisions.
  • Choose between automatic or on-demand revision tracking to suit your business needs.
  • Generate detailed reports on sales order revisions for analysis and auditing purposes.
  • Strengthen internal controls and compliance by documenting all order changes.

To Use Revision management:

1. Go to Setup > General parameters > Parameter values > VEN Sales > ORD.

2. Set the SALREV parameter to “Managed automatically” or “Managed on demand”.

3. If revision management is set to “Managed on demand,” a prompt will pop up to confirm whether you want to create a new revision when changes are made to a sales order.

4. When revision management is set to “Managed automatically,” all changes to sales orders are tracked without requiring user confirmation.

5. The sales order header displays a revision number indicating the number of times the order has been modified. A value of zero signifies no changes have been made. When a change is made to a sales order and revision management is set to “Managed on demand,” a prompt will appear asking if you want to create a new revision. If your response is ‘Yes’, the revision number increments to 1, activating the revision management link in the right panel. A record of the changes is stored in the VSORDER table for header modifications, or in the VSORDERP and VSORDERQ tables for line item changes.

6. Selecting the revision management link displays a detailed history of sales order changes, with modifications highlighted. This history can then be printed using the ARCREV report.

7. The “Resynchronize” button in the revision management window updates the revision history for sales orders. It verifies the current revision number for each document and adjusts the CURREVFLG field in the VSORDER table accordingly.

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